Dr. Marco Bracci
GEC Florence Professor
Between 2004 and 2011 Marco worked and taught in International higher education at the University of Florence, Italy, where he coordinated the BA in Media and Journalism LLP Erasmus Socrates Program and where he was organizational director and contact person of the CoMundus MA – Erasmus Mundus Program, promoted and funded by the European Commission.
Marco began teaching at important US Study Abroad University programs in Florence in 2013.
He is a member of the American Sociological Association (ASA), and of the Steering and Monitoring Committee of IRPET (Istituto Regionale per la Programmazione Economica della Toscana – Regional Institute for Economic Planning of Tuscany).
His research interests focus on social and cultural changes in late modernity, media, popular culture (popular music, sports, and food), deviance and collective identities. His publications include monographs, essays, and chapters in books.
He has recently co-authored the following publications about the Study Abroad Sector: the sociological research Study Abroad in Italy. Fra economia della conoscenza, turismo e soft power (2021), and the only existing students’ guidebook in English Study Abroad in Florence (first edition, 2022 and second edition, 2023).